THAT FORT BONIFACIO MARINE STAND-OFF: It is a sign of abnormal times that disturbing things happen inside military installations which are mysteriously resolved and the government wishes the Mass Media had not even bothered to cover the event and for the Public to believe there is nothing to be concerned about. For example, on Sunday, 26 February 2006, a most puzzling and disturbing event unfolded outside the Philippne Marine General Headquarters inside Fort Bonifacio in Makati City. In Marine Standoff (via PCIJ) all kinds of now famous names surfaced to roil an otherwise peaceful third day of Proclamation 1017 -- Col. Ariel Querubin, General Renato Miranda, General Nelson Allaga, Vice Admiral Mateo Mayuga, General Danilo Lim, General Generoso Senga. But here is one name that may not be so famous as the ones above but whose loud, pained and impassioned voice is featured in the following sound clip from Pia Hontiveros' television show this week (Strictly Politics, ANC ABSCBN News)

26 FEBRUARY 2006
THE ROOTS IN LANAO: This short audio clip suggests one possible explanation for the Fort Bonifactio stand-off. Clearly distraught and impassioned, Marine officer Segumalian impressed the members of Media who were covering the early part of the Fort Bonifacio standoff as having something important to say about the Marine's role in the 2004 Lanao election operations and what that had to do with the developing crisis, which would be resolved, mysteriously in just a few hours after Segumalian's outburst. My translation of part of his statements that Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago. -- "No one can point to anything...All we have done since Lanao ... in the elections...all we wanted was a clean election!" [Sorry, this is best appreciated by bilinguals.] Significantly these Marine officers, Ariel Querubin and Archie Segumalian who figured in the Fort Bonifacio incident were in fact members of the very unit referred to in this definitive expose on what happened in Lanao in 2004 as told by the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism in Lanao's Dirty Secrets.
GARCI AND THE GENERALS: Yet many mysteries remain. These officers know a lot more about the Military and Politics, especially in the 2004 National Elections than the Public has apparenetly been allowed to know. But we can connect the dots ourselves and lacking credible official explanations, we can draw our own conclusions from the reasonable hypotheses. An immediate connection was made by many people to the conversations in the allegedly wiretapped Hello Garci recordings that mention several Generals that have indeed figured largely in these events. Here is Pia Hontiveros show's broadcast of that pertinent bit --

MANILA TIMES reported in July, 2005 that in the Garci Recordings, several big name generals were mentioned in connection with election operations involving the military in the ARMM (Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao) -- "Military generals who were mentioned in the tape include retired Lt. Gen. Roy Kyamko, who headed the Southern Command at the time of the election; Maj. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon, the former chief of Task Force HOPE (honest, orderly and peaceful election), who oversaw security in Mindanao; Brig. Gen. Francisco Gudani, the former chief of Task Force Ranao; and Maj. Gen. Gabriel Habacon, the former commander of Task Force Comet.. "
ELECTION LAWYER LILA DE LIMA was talking to Pia Hontiveros on the same Strictly Politics episode along with Newsbreak's GIGI GO and MARITES D. VITUG. Her description of the wholesale post-elections poll fraud in 2004 is simply absorbing --

Lawyer Lila de Lima
2004 Post-election Fraud at Canvassing Level
Mindanao ARMM Election Returns, SOVs, COCs
Why the Alleged Break-in at Batasan
The next body of substantive journalism that must be considered lies in the work of Newsbreak Magazine. Last September 12, the magazine published a story entitled Cheats, Inc in which the post-proclamation operations of an election operator, a certain Roque Bello are exposed. This week, Newsbreak Magazine, published a follow up article bylined Miriam Grace A. Go entitled Faking It all about the alleged photographic and videographic revelations of a mysterious information source developed independently by Newsbreak, some of whom are "disgruntled members of the Bello group."

MARITES VITUG and GIGI GO of Newsbreak discuss the connection of the PNP Special Action Forces to the Batasan Break-in and the Fort Bonifacio Standoff with Pia Hontiveros CHIEF OF STAFF MICHAEL DEFENSOR denies, Ninez Cacho Olivarez ripostes
A disturbing hypothesis emerges about why three elite military units almost broke the Chain of Command last February 2006--the First Scout Ranger Regiment under West Pointer General Danilo Lim; , the First Marine Brigade of Col. Ariel Querubin; and the Special Action Force of the Philippine National Police under P/Supt. Marcelino Franco. It is this: They were used to assist in the conduct of poll fraud operations in the 2004 elections. It is their sense of honor that agitates them. They have been prostituted to partisan political purposes and they just don't like it.
Ex-Army commander Lim to face court martial, says Esperon
The court martial of Lim should be a very good watch. (Would be excellent if you could interview Lim prior to his court martial...)
Based on Gloria's proclamation of the SOE, the government unequivocally pronounced that there was a coup d'état conspiracy, plot between Lim and NPA-CPP elements to overthrow the government; the charge of whether the act is rebellion or insubordination makes it irrelevant now... Esperon's formal recommendation for a court martial means that the government is already prepared, paperwork and all to proceed with the court martial without delay; what is relevant today is that under articles of war, the government will technically NOT need a lot of time to conclude the court martical. In other words, Lim's court martial could be between 30 and 60 days at most.
If they cannot do this during this time, then the government is not serious; either that or they have no concrete evidence to back up their charges. If the charge is act of insubordination, it should make it very easy for both government and accused to debate the issue because government's case is clear cut in an act of military insubordination.
I'm interested in Lim's case because it should be a test case... he can even call retired generals as his witnesses, etc which will inevitably open a can of worms. Besides, even if government has upper hand in a charge involving an act of insubordination, it will be the word of Senga against Lim.
If government is serious:
1. the Office of JAG AFP should convene a court martial very soon.
2. we can safely assume that since/because government has publicly declared that certain officers committed an act of mutiny, military prosecutors are therefore prepared to ask for the DEATH penalty which is the punishment meted on proven mutineers under the Articles of War.
But since this government is NOT serious at all and may be considered amateurish at best in handling our military institution, we can only expect a monkey trial of the "accused" officers who are far more professional than Gloria and her government could ever be. Remember, UNTIL TODAY, this STUPID government has not concluded its case against the OAKWOOD so-called mutineers.
Technically those OAKWOOD so called mutineers committed rebellion and attempted a violent coup d'état for which they should face military
execution but because Gloria and her dumb, coward GOVERNMENT know they have NO MORAL leg to stand on, they cannot do anything.
I say to our brave officers and men (but not to those conniving, collaborating, immoral Gloria generals who have forfeited their right to
time-honored military officer's courage and honor):
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. You have the moral and physical courage of your convictions. You will inevitably defeat this illegitimate, immoral, corrupt government.
Re Defence of the accused military officers and men:
The accused must be defended by a lawyer not only of irreproachable legal repute but also one who has an excellent knowledge of military history and culture.
An excellent knowledge of military history and culture will play a great role in maintaining professionalism in what I expect would be a Gloria & Esperon monkey trials of our professional, honorable and courageous officers and men.
Tactially speaking, a proper court martial will enable the accused officers to bring their counter accusations/charges against this government to light for the whole world to see.
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