Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Erap and Gloria and Bubba and Paula and Sonny and Angie

"WHAT DIVERSION?" one may ask of the Makati Mall Blast (now found to be an "accidental gas explosion"). Nary a political beat was skipped as the political arpeggio builds to a new crescendo after a collective gasp of paranoia and prejudgment (even here at Philippine Commentary). There were many theories about whodunit, but all alone in a league of pure nuttiness was this, from Billy Esposo.

There is little time to pause, however, as major political developments take center stage once more.

The first is Precedent Joseph "Erap" Estrada's pending "full, free and absolute" pardon from President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo after his decision not to appeal his plunder conviction. A pox on both their houses, the PDI editorial says, without mentioning how their Sacred Cow, Hilario "Golden Calf" Davide made this absurdity of Justice possible with his false doctrines of constructive resignation and withdrawal of support. The root of all this evil, in my opinion, lies in Davide's destruction of constitutionalism in 2001, still ongoing from on high wherein the Supreme Court has usurped the Congress' exclusive and sole power to remove Constitutional officers with that silly impeachment initiation rule; consecrated the principle that if a military mutiny and coup d'etat works then it is legal and we must acquiesce; and their ongoing power grab of Commander-in-chief powers in the so called human rights "rules" of amparo and habeas data, which come into force this week! Of relevance to these issues are two statements that I recorded yesterday:

Downloadable MP3 of Twink Macaraig interviewing Atty. Leonard de Vera of the No Pardon for Erap Movement

Downloadable MP3 of Pia Hontiveros and Tony Velasquez interviewing Atty. Rene Saguisag

All this seems to be making Luis Chavit "Jueteng and Smuggling Lord" Singson nervous.

But a second development of great historical interest is the suit filed before the Ombudsman by lawyer Harry Roque and former vice president Teofisto Guingona against President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo which challenges the notion of Presidential immunity from suit. For such normally rabid anti-Americans it is noteworthy that they cite as their justification a precedent in the United States Supreme Court decision in the matter of Paula Jones' lawsuit against then President Bill "Bubba" Clinton for sexual harassment.

The Washington Post has this excellent summary of that most interesting case, including the SCOTUS decision in Jones v. Clinton and the background developments that led to it.

I was just kidding about Harry and Tito being anti-Americans, but am dead serious about Erap and Gloria and Sonny and Angie all going to jail together, with a 24/7 webcam for all to look into a mirror of our own delusions. And of course, somehow, Hilario G. Davide must also be punished for his destruction of the Constitution, of separation of powers, of checks and balances. If he gets away with that, anything that happens to punish his creations will be for naught. It is his destructive memes that are the root of these present evils.

We do not need the false gods of unconstitutional moralism and elitism. We need Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances, Public Accountability. We need to fix the machine of Democracy that the barrio carpenters have "constructively" destroyed by their tinkering and judicial activism. Else, all is for naught!


EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING: Manolo Quezon (ABSCBN, The Explainer) delivered precisely the right message on his show last night, even before he had uttered a single word of actual explanation, when he chose for his audience a troop of Boy Scouts, whose enduring motto is of course: BE PREPARED! For although the October 19 Makati Mall blast was more than likely an accidental gas explosion, the lessons the Public and the authorities ought to learn are substantially the same, for the effects of a real terrorist attack on the populace are well enough approximated, at least qualitatively by this incident. The human tragedy in loss of life and limb, as well as mental security, are perhaps no less in all of these cases. It is NOW, before terrorist attacks do occur (may they never!) that the Filipino people and their government should undertake the serious task of preparing for the eventualities that have already touched us in the past, and is bedevilling many other countries today. Congratulations to that show's producers and participants for an important and essential message: BE PREPARED!


Anonymous said...

4 weddings and a funeral, eh?

Deany Bocobo said...

hi there adb, was with your "ladies man" friend at lunch...he says "hello"

Anonymous said...

Why don't you post a rebuttal to Billy Esposo's article...

He asks could this blast be a covert operation by the US?

Personally, much as I dislike nig nog Bush, I don't think he would go to that extent in the Philippines, what on earth for? Trouble enough everywhere that he can barely handle, besides Pinas is allowing him to set up bases in the south so why should he?

Anonymous said...

Which friend? Have got lots of friends who are ladies' men...

Deany Bocobo said...

i would take the time to do that but there seems to be just one loose end that i can't account for in this whole thing which would make "accident" a definite...who in the world was that faked sheik omar and why would he make it seem to be a terrorist attack when the HSA is in fact suspended right now for the election? any theories?

Deany Bocobo said...

the navy guy, balding, beard, real charming you know who i mean? and my good friend too...

Anonymous said...

Oh Rex... hahahahah! Has he grown any hair yet?

Deany Bocobo said...

he has high regard for you really describes you as a stunning beauty, really intrigued me, hehe!

Anonymous said...

Listen, dean, I have a theory that this rajah sulaiman whatever could be a figment of Reyes and Esperon's imagination. I might be wrong but that's the only thing I could think of?

btw dean, just sent you an e-mail...

Anonymous said...


When we finally meet in Manila one of these days, I will introduce you to more charming star rank officers...

Anonymous said...

Definitely not the "excitable" type like RR.

Anonymous said...


Just received this from a British friend of mine after I sent your and Tongue's posts to him last night, not much help...

"Not got time to analyse in detail:

"Diesel will not explode.

"Gas will explode. If there was any significant chenical exposive present then there should be sufficient chemicals in the residue to identify the explosive.
#Likely scenarios:

"Small explosion to break gas pipe and allow gas to burn explosively.

"Gas leak and a spark that ignited gas causing explosion."

Deany Bocobo said...

the accident theory is very likely the correct one. diesel in liquid form doesn't explode, but methane plus diesel aerosol is like methane and coal dust, which does explode and regularly kills hundreds of people a year in mine shafts and sewerage treatment plants the world over. that GEXCON handbook mentioned a few posts back has dozens of scenarios that are fact the deflagration mode of methane gas explosions describes what happend almost to a perfect tee...there is only one loose end as i said...

have to sign off for now back later this evening...

stuart-santiago said...

puwede talagang no flames, no burning, no soot, if gas explosion?

Deany Bocobo said...

angela, check out the previous post entitled Was Makati Blast an Explosive Gas Deflagration for the detailed answer. Simply put, yes, or you only need a spark really because if the pressure buildup is so high, it essentially extinguishes any flame when the blast wave blows out all the oxygen.

viking said...


pwedeng pwede.

MBW said...


I read somewhere that a police technician who arrived at the scene first was able to gather a bagful of evidence containing RDX or C4 related residues.

What happened to those so called ‘evidences’?

Deany Bocobo said...

ADB, There really should've been a lot more of these explosive residues if this was a bomb. Need to face the fact that all there is are swabs and smudges. One expects the residues to be everywhere on the walls , the floors the ceiling. just ain't there. at the same time there are obvious signs of a gas explosion.