THE CHESSBOARD: But the result "on the Board" is pretty clear -- they have accepted the Sacrifice of the Poisoned Pawn and followed the Judas Goat into the Slaughterhouse of their Dreams -- the Supreme Court of Hilario G. Davide, Jr. How can the Supreme Court rule otherwise but in Garci's favor when his tormentors have proven that all the logic and evidence they have hinges, on the physical and juridical existence of what they themselves proclaim to be ILLEGALLY WIRETAPPED recordings of certain persons, one of whom has appeared before the Court to claim his rights under RA 4200, the Anti Wiretapping Law. Since no one has disproven that these are illegally acquired recordings, the Supreme Court is perfectly justified in granting Petitioner's prayer that illegally acquired wiretapped conversations are being used in Congress to pillory him and accuse him of all sorts of wild charges about voterigging. We may believe such charges ARE true, but the fact is, his rights to private and secure personal communications must be held sacred, otherwise even the freedom of the press, the freedom of bloggerdom, would all be imperiled. The people's right to know argument inherent in Bartnicki v. Vopper applies only to the right of the Public to argue about what really happened. And that, the Palace has granted in spades by allowing Garci to come out. That's the Rope-a-Dope we saw yesterday. What the Opposition has simply missed, or considered too obvious to treat with much care and precision, is that the wiretappers were bigger criminals than Garci, their crime was more despicable for it involved prostituting the military to political purposes. Whoever ordered or conspired with them to do so, is guilty of High Treason against the Republic for showing that the Presidency and the independent constitutional bodies like Comelec, can be surveilled and blackmailed and the country thrown into the devastating crisis in which we are in, when such illegal activities come to light but cannot be proven. In the eagerness to run after Garci the Judas Goat, the lambs have swallowed the poisoned bait. Now the Supreme Court will deliver the justifiable antidote: the Congress must bury the very evidence of that greater crime. Garci's handlers are now petting Garci the Goat for fine and durable performance. I PREDICT the Supreme Court will grant Petitioner's Prayer and will indeed close the book on the Garci Tapes and put an end, this early, to any future attempt at impeachment next year. That is, if Jose de Venecia, Prospero Pichay, Rodolfo Antonino, Luis Villafuerte and the rest of the Trapos don't beat them to it. I think the Opposition will win the Battle of December 13 though but they will inevitably lose another more important round to Davide. The only interesting question will be will the Supreme Court decision be handed down before or after the Chief Justice retires. I think after Christmas will be better, when all of this will have been easily forgotten in the joys and turmoil of the coming holidays. But here is one argument for BEFORE December 30: The decision must be rendered by the most trusted Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide Jr., otherwise the decision might not have quite the credibiliity of Estrada v. Arroyo (March, 2001) and Estrada v. Desierto (April, 2001), all three of which are birds of a feather and the proper subject of a future, non-activist, non-putschist Supreme Court.
WHAT'S FOR DINNER? I hear the Palace Menu for Christmas dinner is a special dish -- kaldereta of young turkey. Bunye and Garci will offer a toast to the triumph of the Big Lie Technique.
Dammit, wash your hands Rizalist.
FOR THE SENATE OF WASTED PRESIDENTIAL TIMBER, I offer these words from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow --
THIS is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks,BLOGGERS: A daily must read is Ellen Tordesillas.
Bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight,
Stand like Druids of eld, with voices sad and prophetic,
Stand like harpers hoar, with beards that rest on their bosoms.
Loud from its rocky caverns, the deep-voiced neighboring ocean
Speaks, and in accents disconsolate answers the wail of the forest.
This is the forest primeval; but where are the hearts that beneath it
Leaped like the roe, when he hears in the woodland the voice of the huntsman?
Welcome Traveler! To the Archipelago of Broken Dreams.