Monday, January 26, 2009

Quote of the Day -- from Fertilizer Fund Scam Hearing

From Senate President JUAN PONCE ENRILE in today's Fertilizer Fund Scam hearings, after hearing a series of incredible denials by JIMMY PAULE, (who seems destined to go to jail for plunder with JocJoc Bolante in this long-running scandal)...JPE describes Paule in Tagalog thus:

"Madulas ka talaga, Mr. Paule, parang "PALOS"
["You are really slippery, MR. PAULE, like a "LARGE SLIPPERY EEL"]

I'd forgotten or never knew that "palos" is the Tagalog word for a large slippery eel. Hearing it at the Blue Ribbon Hearing today was doubly rewarding as it was wielded by no less than the Senate President to describe the dapper Jimmy Paule one of the likely principals of the Fertilizer Fund Scam. Blue Ribbon Committee Chairman Dick Gordon says the Senate is formally recommending the filing of plunder charges against former Agriculture Undersecretary Joc Joc Bolante.


  1. Coming from Johnny Enrile, it should be taken as a compliment.

  2. It takes one to know one!

  3. I've always thought "palos" meant spy or parang double agent LOL. Ang layo pala hehehe. :D

  4. It is really getting tiring watching everyone just laugh about scenes like this when we can see the moral fiber of this country getting frayed by th minute. it appears that NO ONE is now beyond repraoch and that every single filipino leader is compromised in some way or the other. Revolutions appear to be out of fashion these days but we could use some bloodletting.....

  5. when i was in elementary, and that was not so long ago, there is this komiks series entitled "Palos", a secret agent who is a hotshot martial artist, a fine shot, and so difficult to capture by the sindikato. palaging lusot! so palos became associated with "palusot." and it so happened that palos also means slippery eel. (this is my etymological contribution to this discussion).


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