Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Black Nazarene Goes to Mindanao...Ngek!

First let me say, I am glad to see that the religious impressarios organizing the annual Black Nazareno procession wisely decided to move its usually crowd-lethal starting point to the Luneta since fatalities and injuries had been multiplying in the last few years. On second thought, I detest the idea that they chose the Luneta. Methinks the Catholic Bishops and the Philippine Daily Innuendo were actually rubbing salt in the wounds of the Other Hero and Martyr there present. Frankly, if I were to succumb to the Mass Idolatry on offer, I would pick the German-made graven image in stone, not the Mexican Wooden Indio pretending to be the Son of God in Pinoy drag.

What were we just talking about on Rizal Day?
As the Catholic Taliban Sing Hallelujah!

But listen to this, folks...The Roman Catholic Church of the Philippines has recently cloned the original and true miraculous wooden idol called the Black Nazarene of Quiapo--a kind of graven image of a graven image--and sent it off to Cagayan de Oro because "there are so many devotees there". At a time when all-out war is being threatened if not quite carried out by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, honestly folks, how smart of an idea IS this??

Video Embed Courtesy of GMANews.TV


The Catholic Bishops seems blithely oblivious to effects of their actions in this matter, claiming "Cagayan de Oro welcomes the Black Nazareno."

CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, January 8, 2009─ The archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro welcomed the pilgrim image of Black Nazarene accompanied by seven members of the Hijos del Nazareno from the Minor Basilica of the Black Nazarene in Quiapo last January 5.

The pilgrim image of the famous icon arrived in Cagayan de Oro City at about 7 a.m. last Monday aboard Air Force C-130.
So let me get this straight...there is now a PILGRIM IMAGE of the Black Nazarene and a FAMOUS ICON STAY AT HOME Black Nazarene...both channeling the Son of God with equal transmittivity...
Best photography of the event seems to be at linophotography.

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