Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Live Coverage of the Republican National Convention

DAY 3: The GOP convention in Minneapolis has resumed.


  1. Hi Dean --

    Hah! Am watching it too but I don't think I can last long, i's 02h51 and need my beauty sleep.

    Damn these conventions -- they're keeping me up late.

  2. Am watching convention on my TV screen and can see that your own live feed is transmitting a few seconds late... this Rachael Lampa (who's singing now) looks so Pinay, doesn't she?

  3. That's funny, here in Manila, the CNN cable feed is coming in about a second or so behind my blogspot feed!

  4. I have the impression that there's less people in the RNC than the Democratic convention -- stadium not as packed (OK it's the first day of the convention) but 1st day of DNC was packed!

  5. OK, can't stay up any longer -- my eyelids are starting to droop -- hitting the sack;

    I trust you will post the speech of GWB (8 frigging short minutes only!) on your blog so, will watch it from your blog tomorrow.


  6. The prime time part of the convention ended an hour ago for us here in the West Coast, punctuated by the speech of Lieberman. It is now 10pm.

    This convention will not be able to match the grandeur and pageantry of the other convention. This one definitely is low-key and will not even think about topping the huge gathering during the Obama speech - over 80K!

    And it will not only be because of the series of hurricanes hitting the eastern seaboard.

    But the polls are telling and even more compelling is the frenzy created by media and partisans about the Palin selection. Having followed Memeorandum since last Friday, it was topped today when all the major entries in the site, including the litany of blogs delving on each subject, were about Palin - from her inexperience to her pregnant teenager. Unbelievable!

    Tomorrow Palin, the candidate, gets her chance to expose her side.

  7. tomorrow will be the most watched VP acceptance speech.

  8. Would she have been your choice, Amadeo, JOhn?

  9. no. first choice is condi. second choice is romney (safe).

  10. from the center-left New REpublic

    the case against the case against palin

  11. I had blogged about Palin in early February with the implicit thought that she could be a good "spoiler" choice and as counterpoint to the empty-suit claim against BO. And with her selection, I believe that effect has been realized, given the other side's frenzy to knock her down.

    If she was such a weak choice, they should have been rejoicing and being quiet. Relishing their projected easy roll to the White House in November.

    But no, they are making much noise about her.

    And after all, politics is still about what one can do to get elected.

  12. She's a Creationist. I have a really big problem with that.

  13. That was a pitiably mangled metaphor from Mitt Romney. It sounded like "The Sun will rise in the West".

  14. Hah! I almost choked when he said that.

    Geez! I can't keep up with this convention coverage -- it's 03h41 now.. I'm waiting to hear Sarah Barracuda!

  15. Know what I think ... Sarah Palin came in at the wrong time -- they could have asked her to be an endorsement speaker so that by next presidential season, she would be seriously in the running. Too early, too soon.

  16. This convention is frankly less exciting than the Democratic convention...

  17. Palin is speakig in 33 minutes...


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