Monday, June 30, 2008

Trillanes Should Grow Up--He Was Elected Senator, Not Military Rebel

THE SUPREME COURT has denied Senator Sonny Trillanes' renewed petition to be granted bail so he can attend Senate sessions and discharge the duties of the high national office to which he was resoundingly elected in the 2007 midterm elections. The 16-page decision was based on: (1) Rules of Court denying bail to those charged with crimes punishable with reclusion perpetua in which the evidence of guilt is strong; and (2) the Court's perception that he is a flight risk. I disagree with citation (1) but citation (2) is really all of his own doing with that utterly stupid Manila Peninsula stunt that has in fact garnered him an even more serious charge of rebellion than the mutiny charge of Oakwood. His troubles are largely self-inflicted and he did not play his cards right at all since being elected. He fails to recognize the essential reality that the people had given him a golden opportunity to accomplish peacefully and with their mandate all of the things he wanted to do at Oakwood. He squandered that opportunity at the Manila Peninsula Hotel! He needs to grow up. If instead of misbehaving like a self-centered fathead and given due recognition of the generous benefit of the doubt the electorate bestowed on him in 2007, he might indeed have been one of the strong young voices in the Philippine Senate. He has not redeemed the people's trust in him. What a terrible waste!
The Wall Street Journal (Powering Down the Philippine Economy) proves how much we need fresh blood in the Philippine Senate. In this editorial, WSJ correctly castigates Senators Miriam Defensor Santiago and Juan Ponce Enrile for their bullying treatment of the investment community. I call it the Myanmar Junta Syndrome.


  1. The Manila Peninsula Hotel events -- during, and after --- reveals a lot of people with the Messianic complex, or even worse. I say "even worse" because we have folks who even ignore the part about :

    Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s . . .

  2. The writing on the wall is hard to read for some...


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