Saturday, January 5, 2008

Where Does Obama Go From Here?

David Brooks thinks that Mike Huckabee is a new kind of evangelical, what he calls "the first ironic evangelical on the national stage." It's true, he has a sense of humor and is not at war with modern culture. Of course the big story out of Iowa is Barack Obama:
"He talks about erasing old categories like red and blue (and implicitly, black and white) and replacing them with new categories, of which the most important are new and old. He seems at first more preoccupied with changing thinking than changing legislation...Obama is changing the tone of American liberalism, and maybe American politics, too."
The Hillary Clinton campaign's immediate reaction to the third place loss in Iowa is found at the Captain's Quarters (though it's naturally full of schadenfreude over there).

The Anchoress thinks it is all baloney and that Iowa has been pimped up but means nothing.

Ah, but Time Magazine's Blog reports that Hillary has been booed at a New Hampshire Democratic party dinner.

So it's on to New Hampshire and the Granite State. Check it out here at the Granite Grok.

A really big roundup of the primary news is at Memeorandum.


  1. One colleague of mine (a feminist) predicted four years ago (when I was doing a post doc in Delaware) that unless there were no more options, America would never elect a woman prez!

    She listed the preference

    America would elect a (in order) 1) white Episcopalian, 2) White Southern Baptist 3) White Catholic, 4) White Mormon, 5) Black man, 6) White Atheist, 7) Native American and 8) woman!

    There is really something peculiar with this society that values liberty!

  2. The combative former US First Lady is banking on the pragmatism of voters to reestablish her candidacy -- The loss in Iowa means a change of tactics, reports The Times. After all, recent poll results still show Clinton leading Obama by 45% to 24%.

    However, a poll conducted for CNN and WMUR by the University of New Hampshire, shows that both candidates are neck on neck with 33% of the votes from Democratic primary voters.

    One thing is sure: Hillary will get in there fighting back. You can't put a good intelligent woman down.


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