Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Jail Oliver Lozano Now For Obstruction Of Justice

LIVER LOZANO -- MALDITO SUI GENERIS SHYSTER-- proves to one and all how deeply concerned the legal minds at the Palace must be over the SECOND IMPEACHMENT ATTEMPT against President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Until today, it has been assumed by everyone that the next impeachment attempt in the Lower House can't even be done until June 27, 2006 -- the one year anniversary of the first impeachment FILING, when GUESS WHO filed a lame-horse impeachment complaint that was soon endorsed by Alagad Party List Representative Rodante Marcoleta (Mercernary Number Two). Dinky Soliman, ex-best friend of the President and DSWD Secretary until last July, tells the story of that first impeachment obstruction. But today, the televised noon time news says that shyster Oliver Lozano is jumping the gun and filing an impeachment complaint against President Arroyo before June -- before anybody else can. This is clearly in coordination with GARCI's SECOND PETITION before the Supreme Court, which seeks to have the Garci Tapes testimony of PCIJ, Alan Paguia and Sen. Francisco Tatad stricken off the Congress records. Can the other Wig-for-hire, Representative Marcoleta be far behind? This is clearly part of a plan to head the Opposition off at the pass and pre-empt the next impeachment attempt with another lame horse from Lozano. ABSCBN NEWS has a report on this development.


It doesn't make sense to file such a complaint until at least the Supreme Court rules on Garci's Second Petition whose Prayer reads --
THE PRAYER WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is most respectfully prayed that this Honorable Court issue a Resolution:

(a) ordering the immediate issuance of a Temporary Restraining Order and/or Writ of Preliminary Injunction restraining and preventing the House of Representatives Committees on Public Information, Public Order and Safety, National Defense and Security, Information Communications Technology, and Suffrage and Electoral Reforms from making use of the sound recording of the illegally obtained wiretapped conversations in their Report for the inquiries conducted relative thereto, or from otherwise making use of said recordings for any purspose; and,

(b) Granting the issuance of a Writ of Prohibition by commanding the Respondent Committees to strike off the record of the proceedings any and all references to the illegally obtained wiretapped recordings, and to desist from further using the sound recordings of the illegally obtained wiretapped conversations in any of its proceedings.

Other reliefs, just and equitable under the premises are likewise prayed for.

SIGNED (22 November 2005) EDDIE U. TAMONDONG (Counsel for Petitioner) and VIRGILIO O. GARCILLANO (Petitioner).
Maybe the gameplan, again, is for Lozano to file a "lame-horse" complaint, this time ready for the slaughter in the Supreme Court through Garci's case. The clueless Opposition says it will file on June 27, and God only knows what Comments they submitted to the High Court on Garci's Second Petition. From the looks of it, 2006 will be a repeat of 2005, tactically speaking. Read also: The Supreme Court Will Now Rule In Garci's Favor.


  1. A Warm Welcome Traveler!
    To the Archipelago where they try to FOOL all the people ALL the time. And it often works!

  2. DJB,

    But it's worked most of the time on Pinoys.

    Then they wake up, realizing that they've been made fools of, so they get up screaming.

    Those that see beforehand they are being made fools are too few and too inconsequential to make a difference.

  3. DJB,

    Let’s bet: why the military top brass LOVE Gloria!

    I bet that Gloria will be handing out an ambassadorial post to a retiring or almost retired military guy destination: AUSTRALIA ( in a couple of months’ time); problem is Gudani!

  4. Faeldon's site is poorly designed too. Somebody should teach the guy how to use blogger.

  5. Since the day after they killed the first impeachment complaint, the Palace has been worrying about and planning for the second one. The plot is pretty clear now and diabolical too...Panganiban + JDV are gonna get people's goat this year for what they are about to do.

    MARV--hope they are not just a flash in the pan over there, a good website could evolve into an important forum for the military, which doesn't seem to have very many healthy outlets. It's obvious these guys are intelligent, patriotic and looking for the right thing to do. I don't really mind the counter that much, it's what they could do with the site that's impt.

  6. DJB,

    I visited Faeldon's website to test the meter thing (re-booted my comp twice to make sure) but this is my third visit, yet the counter still says 260836 - didn't change from my first visit.

  7. Seems to be fine now. And guess what? It's counting in a more reasonable fashion now just ncrements by 1 or 2. THEY MUST'VE FIXED IT! Saludo to them!

  8. MB,
    "After Gloria is overthrown, everyone associated with her must be compelled to wear a Marcoleta wig."


  9. C'mon folks, stay on topic...Uhmm, I think those wigs need to be a special color, like pink or yellow, and I guess the bouffant style ought to be revived. Been playing around with a free program called WINMORPH...look it up...

  10. Is this the same Oliver Lozano who figured prominently in the cases subject of the URL below:

  11. AMADEO, Tried that link but file not found, what case was that from 1995? must have something to do with FVR?

  12. Worked for me. But here's the tiny URL version:

    Yes, 1995. And the cases were criminal in nature.

    But just scanned the case jurisprudence report, so not really conversant with the details and the eventual outcome.

  13. DJB, Amadeo,

    I asked a friend in Manila who's just e-maile me the following:

    "Yes, I remember this, I was at the Manila Chronicle then. Some Marcos loyalists were holding a rally at the Luneta and they formed a mob which lynched a young man for being a Cory supporter. Lozano and a few others (I think one of them was the actress Alona Alegre) were accused of inciting the crowd to murder."

    Could this Lozano be the same Oliver Lozano of the impeachment trick?

  14. Telegram....

    My friend in Manila has just this instant e-mailed me back and said that the Lozano that figured in the '95 jurisprudence paper is the same impeachment trick lawyer OLIVER LOZANO ...


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