Sunday, November 13, 2005

Scrapping VFA Will Only FREE Accused Rapists

crapping the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) is a very strange idea if you're real interest is for justice to be done in the case of six U.S. servicemen accused of raping a 22 year old Filipina in Subic. Why?

Because the immediate effect would most certainly be the immediate release of those six men. (Or at very least it would mean the end of any legal process of investigation, prosecution and trial within Philippine jurisdiction. )

I think that this simple observation reveals the depths of our depravity when we even indulge the idea.

I am dead set against SCRAP THE VFA because this utterly insensitive Leftist slogan really means FREE THE ACCUSED NOW.

That's what the Main Stream Media should be saying whenever they cover the upcoming events of the Organized Left, instead of participating in a conspiracy of silence, or worse, an amplification of this criminal attempt to obstruct Justice. They should not indulge the persecution complexes of the Organized Left.

I call on Philippine Daily Inquirer specifically to take your blinders off folks, and look at who you are in bed with, coddling.


  1. Frequent Emailer QTpi asks why we cannot scrap the VFA AND prosecute the accused. To me, it's a legal issue involving abandoning a criminal suit. Abrogation of the VFA would mean we won't abide by the agreed-to process, so even if the US Military would be conducting its own internal investigation of them, they cannot also release the men to our leftist Mobs, or dare I say, the People's Tribunal.

  2. We have to face up to the fact that those who are ardently anti-something will always, whether knowingly or unknowingly, find sufficient rationalization to promote that agenda.

    They may actually be truly convinced that what they are proposing is for some perceived good. And when emotions rather than rationality or even practicability get in the way, then we may encounter this myopia that appears very easy for many to discern but not by others.

  3. Amadeo, Hi! Glad you dropped in Traveler. You know I can't remember anymore which blog it is out there that has this motto which I liked so much I saved it but not the URL:

    I'll meet you 'round the bend
    my friend,
    where hearts can heal
    and souls can mend...

  4. Here's the URL:

  5. Hey thanks A! That's the old Baghdad Burning site, now I remember...Just blogrolled it nga eh. It's mostly the slogan I like there, the rest is so hard to bear reading...but we are on the other side of the world a century thence.

  6. I think I'm gonna let you have the last word on the immunity issue MB, because I really do have to think about this one some and you are right that it is certainly in the interests of both countries to save the Agreement and not let these inequities fester.

  7. I wish we could just all get along and live peacefully. There is this power trip amongst so many people. Once all of us were someone's sweet cuddly baby. What happened??


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